Zeez Beez is a family owned and run business based in the beautiful Perth hills of Roleystone, Western Australia. We have been keeping bees since 2010. We pride ourselves in the care and effort we put in to providing you with the highest quality of products and services including our hand extracted raw honey sourced from across Western Australia.

Bee Keeping
We started out as hobbyist bee keepers, but soon became addicted to these fascinating creatures. Over the years we have come to realise that bees are a very much needed part of everyone’s life – in other words, we can’t live without them! So we have slowly been increasing our hive numbers from that first hive in our front yard, to approximately 200 hives throughout the state.

100% Pure Honey
Our honey is raw, unprocessed and cold-extracted, which means it hasn’t undergone any heat treatment. We bring it straight from the hive to you, taking the utmost of care, with most of the extracting jobs being done by hand. We then jar all our honey, where possible, in glass jars, maintaining its deliciously fresh and natural taste. We know you will love our honey as much as we do!

Training & Workshops
We love teaching others about bees and their great importance, so we run regular hands-on workshops during the summer months. We also supply budding bee keepers all the things they need to get started. We hope our love of bees will rub off on all those who come in contact with us, our honey and our ‘girls’, and in turn we can ensure that this small but important creature has a secure future.

Like most/all bee keepers, we have the Italian bee. This variety of bee is used because of it’s less aggressive nature compared to others such as the African bee. They are characterised by their distinct black and yellow bands, usually three, on the abdomen. Some of the golden Italians have very few or even no black bands.

Western Australia has a wide range of large gums such as the jarrah, red gum (marrie), various types of wattle, hakes and parrot bush just to name a few. It truly is a lovely place for the bees and leads to a wonderful variety in taste and colour of honey.